“Las Cumbres has truly demonstrated outstanding community service and it is with great pleasure that Rio Arriba County recognizes and appreciates the tremendous work done by this well-deserving organization.”
Three Rio Arriba County Commission Board members, initiated by Chairman James J. Martinez, District I, recently issued a Community Service Award to Las Cumbres Community Services for the agency’s work in Rio Arriba County. Describing his firsthand knowledge of the work done by Las Cumbres, Chairman Martinez writes “As Rio Arriba County Commissioner and Commission Chairman, I initiated an avenue to recognize outstanding organizations who are truly making a positive difference within Rio Arriba County and the surrounding communities Las Cumbres has truly demonstrated outstanding community service and it is with great pleasure that Rio Arriba County recognizes and appreciates the tremendous work done by this well-deserving organization.”
We asked staff, "How do you know you are making a difference?"
Rosie Mascarenas describes a connection with one of her clients.
When Adult Service staff learned of the award, they were asked how they know they are making a difference in the lives of the clients that they serve. Rosella Martinez, Day Habilitation Lead, explains she discerns this through the “expression of love that they give us”. Rosita Rodriguez, Adult Services Program Manager, says she knows as soon as a client “gives you a nickname.” Independent Living Supervisor Derrick Ellis describes his awareness that the agency’s work is making a difference in the community as he receives acknowledgment directly from the community.
Recognition of the full array of Adult Services programs appears in the Community Services Award, including community integrated employment, day habilitation, independent living, community inclusion, respite, and other day services. In closing, the award reads, “Las Cumbres Community Services – Rio Arriba County, located in Española, NM, is hereby recognized for their long history of making a positive difference in Rio Arriba County and bestowed this Honorary Community Service Award.”
Additional signatories on the award include Christine A. Bustos, Commissioner, District II, and Moises A. Morales, Commissioner, District III.
To learn more about the Adult Service programs in Rio Arriba County, please visit the agency’s website here: https://www.lascumbres-nm.org/adult-services.
Seated (left to right): Sharon Marquez, Rosita Rodriguez, Joseph Trujillo
Back row (left to right): Amos Garcia, Rosella Martinez, Emma Miramontes, Derrick Ellis, Rosie Mascarenas, Leeann Sandoval, MariaElena Romero