Working for Everyone to Reach Their Greatest Potential

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Connection to your community and social groups has positive effects on mental health and emotional well-being. Our shared skills and interests help mold the fabric of our community. Imagine lacking a strong support network.  Your emotional well-being would suffer. A community of us who have intellectual and/or developmental disabilities are waiting to have all of the tools for a strong support network to help them achieve their highest potential.  

A national movement in the late 70’s pushed to do away with institutional care for those of us who have disabilities. Alternatives were created and New Mexico adopted the “waivers” to fund service providers to care for individuals in need in a more society integrated life.  Today the most notable is the DD Waiver. While this waiver takes care of most needs of individuals, it does not come close to covering the number of people for which it is intended.  Families are facing a wait list of over 10 years to access funded services, and the number is growing. Families bare the responsibility of tending to children and adults who require assistance and, in some cases, full time assistance.  Having people on a waitlist and service providers dependent on this funding to function provides a unique paradox. For example, in Los Alamos, there are currently  families on the DD Waiver waitlist unable able to utilize the services or  the vacancies at the Adult Group Home managed by Las Cumbres Community Services.  Las Cumbres has to be selected by families that are on the DD Waiver to fill vacancies in their group home, meaning that families in need of services cannot access services available in their own town.  

While there are efforts to reduce the number of families on the waiting list, as a community we can do our part in the meantime.  Ideas to strengthen community support networks:

  1. Donate time to programs providing services for those who do not have access to DD Waiver benefits. Programs such as All Individuals First, Lemonade Living, and The Gifted Horse;

  2. Provide mentorship and/or employment to family members on DD Waiver waiting list;

  3. Regularly include family members in your social groups and activities. 

Together we create a place where we live, learn, work and play inclusively all the while molding the personality of our community.

For more information about the Las Cumbres Community Service Group Home visit or call 505.927.0426

For more information about eligibility through the New Mexico Waiver, visit the NM Health Department website.